Terms & Conditions

1. General Rules for the use of the Site, Privacy and Cookie Policy

The term Operator refers to a person, a company or an organization or company represented by a person in charge of the administration Web site.

The term Users refers to people who are or are not registered on the Website and that however, using the content of the Website, communicate with other users on the Website or publishing content via the Web Site.

The personal pronoun "you" is used to refer to the general user of the Website.

The term "Website" refers to all documents, content and information offered at the same Internet address where the operations of the aforementioned materials and these Terms and Conditions are made ​​available, including all its subdirectories and subpages.

2. Registration

A) To use any of the Web site functions must register to become members. Registration is free.

B) You must honestly and accurately fill all areas of the application form. Registration can be completed successfully only if they have been completely filled all the mandatory areas of the application form. C) The Website may only be used by adults or by people who use it with the approval of their legal guardian. D) Users are obliged to keep their password to themselves and not to communicate it to any other person or third party. If Members are aware that another person or third party in possession of your password, they must immediately inform the Manager.

3. Storing Content, Responsibility and Forbidden Contents

A) The Manager provides storage space for website users to upload their own content, images and text. For each type of content the storage space can be limited. B) You are solely responsible for the content uploaded personally. Therefore, the User ensures that this content is in the public domain or free use, or that the user owns or has permission from the rightful owners of any legal right (eg copyright). In addition, you may not upload any material that may violate any policy or law, to offend any other person or third party or that there might still be considered improper. In particular, the content should not be dangerous, abusive, racist, violent, instigator, defamatory, offensive, pornographic, or inappropriate for minors. C) In addition to the aforementioned, it is forbidden to Users use the Website for illegal commercial purposes (in especially spamming), political propaganda (in particular by means of symbols or signs representing such views) or with the purpose of spreading a political or ideological goal (for example through the collection of signatures, invitations to express specific views, circumvention, etc .. .) in any other way. D) the user must also take responsibility and ensure that all content, uploaded by him / her on the Website, are free of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other malicious software that can affect or impair the usability, function, or the existence of the site. E) the Manager may deny, block or remove any content that is in violation of any requirements specified in these Terms and Conditions at any time. The User has no right to insist on the publication or to request the re-publication of content that have previously been blocked or removed. Besides the right to remove and / or delete such content, the Manager reserves the right to prevent you from continuing to use the Website.

4. Duration of service

A) You can unsubscribe to the Website at any time, requesting account cancellation in writing to the Manager contact. Deletion of the account to the User will entail the loss of pixels that may be acquired and does not give a right to reimbursement. B) the Manager has the right to revoke a user the right to use the services in the event of breach of any terms and term use of this document. C) in every circumstance of termination of the license, the Manager has the right to delete any content previously submitted by the user. In addition, the User has no right to demand the return to the Manager of the content previously uploaded by him / her.

5. Reservation of Rights

A) The User allows the Manager to use the uploaded content, in order to provide services related to the Website and grants to the Manager all the necessary rights to use the content themselves. These rights include in particular the right to make all the content or any part thereof available to the public around the world through the Web Site. In addition, Users are solely responsible for the content posted by them. B) The User allows the manager to further process the uploaded content, for example, to adapt the format in order to make them usable on a website, or to improve the quality of use. C) the rights transferred by you to the operator expire once the User's content has been completely removed from the Web site. D) the User hereby declares to the Manager to own all rights to any content loaded, and that this content does not violate any third party rights or statutory provisions. If a third party were to make claims for damages against the manager, stating that a posting on the Web site violates your rights or any rule of law, you must make the Manager, its related activities, as well as its representatives, employees, partners, performers and assistants free from liability of this kind; here you agree to take on any liability on protection of the Manager against such claims. F) The Manager allows the User to use the services offered on the Web site for the duration of your subscription, and then give the User a right of personal and non-transferable.

6. Availability of the service

Web Site allows the online visibility of the material published by users as long as the site is online, based on its availability in time, prior to its divestiture, and unless causes independent of the Manager will (such as unavailability of the Web Site for the overhead lines, server maintenance, transfers, breakdowns, etc ...). The lack of visibility of the material published by users does not entitle, in general, to any compensation or reimbursement. The Web Site is subject to security systems and periodic back-up content. The User is obliged to keep a copy backup of the content uploaded by him / her. If for reasons of force majeure, it can not be restored in any way the content uploaded by a User, these will have to download them again.

7. Responsibility

A) The Manager is liable only for damages caused by a willful or strongly careless of the contract or for damages caused by negligence to the material requirements of the contract. In the latter case, the responsibility of the Manager is limited to damages typically foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract. B) The Manager expressly dissociates itself from the contents of websites that directly or indirectly are connected to, on or through this Web site. The Operator assumes no responsibility for such content and sites. For the contents of these sites are responsible for their respective owners. C) The above liability restrictions also apply to activities linked to the Manager, as well as to the personal liability of employees, representatives, companies and executives of the Manager and / or allied activities to the Manager.

8. Violation of Terms and Conditions

If You believe that some content presented on this Web site by other Users in violation of the terms of use of the Website or the law, please contact the Manager using the ' address listed on this Web site on the contact page and provide the exact location of the specific content.

9. Intellectual Property of the Manager

You acknowledge that all symbols, trademarks and other intellectual property rights, used or displayed on this Web site and not in the public domain, belong exclusively to the Manager and / or their respective owners and may not be used without the prior written consent of the Manager and / or its legitimate owners. In addition, no part of this Website may be copied, de-compiled or modified in any way.

10. General conditions

The Manager of the Website is Dardpo Multimedia, VAT number: 10991210013, based in Turin - Italy. For any questions regarding these terms and conditions, you should write to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. A) The Terms of Use and the entire legal relationship between the Operator and the Users are subject to the jurisdiction of the Italian Republic, with the exception of Regulations Purchases on the United Nations. Place of business is the office of the Manager. As long as this is permitted, it is agreed that the area of expertise is the office of the Manager. B) In the event that any part of these Terms be invalid, this does not affect the other (remaining) parts. Any rules ineffective, invalid or useless (if any) will be replaced by those regulations that have meaning and content similar to the economic intent of the original ones, as well as for any shortcomings of these Terms (if any).

11. Privacy policy

The operation and use of this Web Site are made ​​in accordance with the following privacy policy published by the Manager, in which states take note.

12. Regulation on the protection of personal data
(in accordance with "Art. 13 del D.Lgs. n. 196/2003")

The term Operator refers to a person, a company or an organization or company represented by a person , responsible administration of the website. the term "User" refers to people who have or have not registered on the site and that, in the meantime, use the contents of the Web site, communicate with other users on the website or publish content through the site. The use of the pronoun "you" staff is used to go directly to the User of this Web Site. The term Web site refers to all the documents, the contents and information offered at the same internet address where the operations on content above with their terms and conditions are made ​​available. The term site also includes all its sub-directories and sub-pages. This document is the privacy policy for the use of the Website. The Operator is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of personal information and to use the collected on this Web site solely in accordance with current laws and regulations on the protection of personal data. For personal data, the Manager intends to identity information, such as your name, e-mail or mailing address.

13. Deletion of personal data

Any and all personal data held by the Manager, may be deleted at the request of its user, sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or addressing the Site contacts.

14. Disclosure to third parties

All data transmitted on the site are expressly treated Reserved! The Manager will not put those data available to other parties, except for purposes strictly related to the service, unless the express consent of the interested parties or in the event that the Manager is obliged to communicate such data to fulfill a legal obligation, as such as a court order.

15. Purposes for which the Manager uses this data

The Manager collects, stores and processes information for supply needs of services and in order to better understand the users of this site and be able to improve offered services. The use of this website services necessarily implies prior authorization by electronic means of all communication related to the service being used. In addition, the Manager may conduct internal investigations relating to demography, to interest and user behavior, but be completely anonymous, in the sense that the data used can not allow to identify an individual user. With the User's prior approval, the Manager will then inform him of recent developments of features and other important issues related to the Web site on a regular basis, through the newsletter. At any time, the User has the right to cancel the permission to send the newsletters in a written statement sent by e-mail to the charge of this function. In addition to that, in every newsletter, the Manager will provide instructions on how to opt out of receiving further information. The Manager may also store the IP address for the use of those services of the Site which allow you to communicate with him. This is necessary to be able to identify individual users in case of their improper actions on the Website or in case of violation of other rights.

This website may contain links to other Web sites that have their own privacy policy which can be different from that adopted by this web site and therefore not responsible for these sites.

16. Data security

Although the Manager is committed to protecting the security of your personal information in accordance with current laws on data protection, any form of electronic communication is absolutely secure. The Manager would like to remember that, despite its high demands in the field of data protection and privacy, all the information that is given voluntarily on the Internet can potentially be used by others. Therefore, the Operator assumes no responsibility for any disclosure of information due to data transmission errors and / or unauthorized access by third parties.

17. Amendment of this Privacy Policy

The Manager reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time and without notice, in accordance with current data protection laws and regulations.

Use of Cookies

In order to offer its services to the User mode as smooth as possible, this site, as well as many well-known websites, also uses so-called cookies. Cookies are small text files that allow the recognition of a user: in this way, after the first time users do not manually log in to the website each time you access it. In addition, cookies can also be used to adapt the services offered to suit your personal needs. The Operator uses cookies to analyze how the website and its services are used, and to give information of possible interest to the Utility. E 'can still use the site without cookies. The Internet browser can be set to reject cookies generally. Cookies own this site are exclusively technical, necessary for proper navigation and use of specific functionality, and mostly are deleted at the end of the browser's user session.

Profiling cookies

The Web site does not make any use of their profiling cookies. Could allow the use of third party cookie profiling, for which reference should be made to the specific privacy practices adopted by their supervisors, while not using the Site in any manner, the automatic profiling data for advertising or marketing , and in particular of personal data and sensitive users. Possible uses of data profiling by the Website are only statistical, anonymous and aggregated for the purpose of improvement of the service, and thus does not require the communication entity in charge of the protection of privacy.

Social Plugins

This site may use plug-in to allow users of social networks to share content in their welcome with their "friends" (and propose other related features such as posting comments) or to perform subscription to services offered from the Site. More information about the collection, storage and use of your personal data by the relevant social network operators, as well as on the configuration options available to you to protect your data is available in the privacy policies of each operator. In particular:

Facebook, at http://www.facebook.com/about/privacy

Google+, at https://www.google.com/intl/policies/

Twitter, at https://twitter.com/privacy

How to disable cookies via browser

Chrome » visit the dedicated page.
Mozilla Firefox » visit the dedicated page.
Internet Explorer » visit the dedicated page.
Safari » visit the dedicated page.
Safari iOS (mobile devices) » visit the dedicated page.
Opera » visit the dedicated page.

Questa pagina è visibile, mediante link in calce in tutte le pagine del Sito ai sensi dell’art. 122 secondo comma del D.lgs. 196/2003 e a seguito delle modalità semplificate per l’informativa e l’acquisizione del consenso per l’uso dei cookies pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n.126 del 3 giugno 2014 e relativo registro dei provvedimenti n.229 dell’8 maggio 2014.